fi's silly nonsense

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


there should be a worldwide ban on promises.

mainly cos they're hardly ever kept.

i imagine in the past, promises were a treasured and revered thing... you only ever made a promise if you intended, with all your heart, to keep it... it was like something sacred.. between two people or the people involved... you only ever made promises to people whose relationships with you had developed past a certain stage... best friends, family, potential spouses....

as with developments and advancements in technology and in every possible field, society's moved and grown... morals and ethics changed.. priorities and beliefs altered... mindsets shifted..

promises, where once upon a time, the mere utterance of which meant the world to someone, now are mere nothings.

"yes i promise i will..."
"i promise i will never.."
"don't worry.. i promise you.."
"i swear......"

just the thought of these examples disgusts me. the lackadaisical use of these phrases..... the uninterest, indifference... no.. obviously not at the point of utterance.. somehow, people these days have the amazing ability to say such words and appear to mean them... but at some point, we realise that they were said with no true intention of service.

what world will our children be born into? what society will they grow up in? i bet our parents are asking themselves the same thing of us. and nothing's being done about it. noone's really bothering to revert morality to the way it was...

hell. even "innocence" has a different meaning now.

it's a hate-the-world day for me.... only thing to rejoice in is that i'm headed for hongkong in a couple of weeks... and korea in a month and a half....

always look on the bright side of life.

there are a million things to be happy and grateful and thankful for.

i try to remind myself of that every now and then.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

where do we go from here

i like that song... by madonna.. can't remember from where... and it isn't even the title... "you must love me"..

anyhow.. i sidetracked... this entry's not one about the song.. it's just a shoutout to everyone... sorry if i've kinda slipped under the radar of late.... seems i've not been that contactable via email or msn... i'm always "Away" which always used to mean present but yeah.. been away of late...

parents away on holiday to hongkong, spending time with val... i've been tasked to clean up after robbie, feed him, water him (mom insists fresh water everyday gives him more oxygen...... thought that only worked on fish...), water the plants.... and i've been doing it all!! i even threw in a couple of balcony scrubs too!!

end result:

1. broken back (not sure if it is but it sure as hell feels like it.....)

2. still-dirty balconies... (robbie's not housetrained... was when he came to us but got untrained by my other dogs..)

3. a still-messy room... (was too afraid to really go up there ever since the rat.... long story...)

but at least i have gone to kbox ONCE... 830pm to 5am is no mean feat i guess... guess it kinda makes up for the long abstinence... *shrug*

been recording some stuff too, for an old friend.. bought many books (maybe too many... judging by the gaping hole in my pocket, wallet AND bag...).. spent quality time with people i love... just a few more on the list of people i care about that i havent met with... but will get to it i'm sure... as soon as they're available...

all in all, this break really has been a break... just not a holiday... i need one.. almost feel aimless and lifeless these days.... like.. there's stuff to be done but i can never seem to think of what.... maybe starting work with dad will be a good thing...

just finished a good book... laughs, crys, nice descriptive too... of lovely london as well as cyprus... "the mother-in-law" by eve makis.... go grab it if into or in need of light reading...

back to slacking then... ciao..