more on the not-so-fragrant* harbour
not so fragrant cos of all the back alleys that smell funny... because of the smelly little street that rie sometimes uses as a shortcut to work... because of chou dou fu... because... well... i could really delve into how it IS fragrant instead and there'd be lots to say too.. all the lovely food frangrances.... *swoon*... *salivate* hahahaha..:p
alright alright.. back to more photos... i'll hurry so that we can get to korea yeah? cheerio.
okay.. so continuing where i left off last post (before i had to leave to make a model.. which i've finished so back at my desk taking another blog-break)...
howard and i took a stroll down nathan road right? almost to the end.. means from tsim sha tsui to mongkok... near where andy lau stays.. :) so along the way we saw many many buildings.. loads of the stereotypically-hongkong neonlights, all hanging overhead, protruding out from buildings over the road...
and this was further down to the left of nathan road where howard said he'd show me a really really old area with a fruit wholesale market... i got SOOOOOOOO excited cos thought i'd FINALLY get to buy cheap fruit but alas! the market's only open from 12am-5am. :( but walked through the almost-empty market anyway... snapping a few shots along the way... :)
this was the next day when rie was at work and howard brought me strolling again to hongkong island, central... see anything familiar? :) it was a lovely lovely day!!! i swear i've good luck with weather whenever i plan to take cruises or boatrides. :p in london too!!! and i've loads of nice pictures to show for it i think... :)
then we walked past this underside of a flyover.. and i thought it was real cool... it's just a painting on a flat 2D surface of concrete! and i thought it looked real neat so snapped a pic of it... then beside us were two guys smoking... and one of them suddenly asked us where we were from, cos he could hear from our accents that we're singaporean!! eeeks.. haha... then he gave us some tips.. that we could go up to the 43rd story of the bank of china free of charge to take aerial shots if we wanted!!! :)

answer: chamberpots.
*puke from thought of stench*
also, the house is so coloured because they used leftover paint to paint this building and this colour was apparently all they could find at that point.
coolness. :)

i miss you rie!!!
alright... that's it for now then... finished with work!!! gonna go home now.. YAY!! :) ciao.
hey!! i've missed u loads
n i want to go KOREA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i miss you too fifeeeee... i miss you.
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