fi's silly nonsense

Thursday, August 09, 2007

the act of crying

in the past i never once stopped to think why we cry. possibly due to the fact that although i did loads of it, there was mostly valid reason to... injuring myself (in however painful a manner), losing precious things/people.... feeling injusticed (however warped my opinion might have been sometimes...)... there was always a "real" reason...

maybe i'm growing.. or my body's changing like rie says.. the falling ill.. the erratic moodswings... the incessant crying... (making myself out to be some pathetic depressive miserable person...)

there's no other explanation otherwise.

and it just got me thinking... scientifically.. the act of crying is stimulated by nerves..... not that i know expertly what i'm talking about.. i could easily wiki it but i'm far too lazy and of not good enough a mood.... but common science sense tells me that there must be some nerve endings that, when sensing pain, also send signals to our tear ducts to release tears. so when there's valid stimuli, like injuries, strong feelings of loss.. fear... anxiety maybe? it's understandable why any one person would cry in any of those circumstances..

but for nothing? or for the slightest things? or... when you cry once over something.. and you recover from it and think that's that... but you end up shedding tears over that same issue over and over and over again... night after night.... that can't be healthy can it?

lucky for me. there's great instant coffee at the office that does what little coffee does for me in keeping me alive and awake..

lucky for me. i've got a nice team to work in/with, with nice colleagues to take breaks with...

lucky for me. any tears shed here in korea can all simply be misunderstood as tears of homesickness, if anyone even catches me shedding any in the first place..

what i'd do for you............. is apparently far too much.


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